Thursday, February 7, 2008

ETEC 414 - My Kingdom for a Comment!~

This is King Toyama III here, (I'm taking a Shakespeare class, just read Richard III)

So I visited 3 of my favorite blogs (Lifehacker, Kotaku, and Jalopnik) and read the comments that are posted. By the way, technology, games, cars, and things Japanese are my favorite interests so that makes my 3 blogs. Comments on these sites appear to be pretty candid. They mention anything from how they liked the subject, complaints or discrepancies on things mentioned, and even questions about their own situation. Some blogs pose questions that some comments answer. It seems like a comment could be anything you feel like posting.

As far as a purpose, I assume that because blogs are postings by a person, most people would like the option to hear others inputs. Otherwise, it's just a journal or a standard website that people could post articles and people would read them or not. This way, you would know what people who read your blog are interested in and what they like or not.

I went on and posted a comment on a blog myself. A very hansome man named Mike Lum in ETEC 414 section 1 made a blog called The Wonderful World Of Lum: My friend's blog. Go and check it out!!!~

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