Wednesday, December 31, 2008

How Time Flies

Ah yes, the Blog...

It has been many months since my last fact, an entire semester has gone by. A slight recap: I went to Japan and ate lots of awesome food, went to HIFF and saw lots of awesome films, I am the co-chair of YESS Camp 26 and I survived another fun filled semester (full of stress and lack of sleep).

Good times.......sort of.

Now it is the winter and I am enjoying the wonderful, chilled winter air here on the island of Maui, and I can't help but contemplate here as the year comes to an end. I have observed many things in my time in college and I'm about to finally start my last semester. I've come to realize that I'm missing one really important thing...that I won't reveal (Bohahaha~)

It is my belief, coming into the New Year, that every person needs recognition from 3 groups of people to be happy. The least important, but never missed, is friends. I only say least important because, though your friends will support you in so many ways, they aren't supposed to be that close. If you were to find out that a close friend of yours is gay, you might be, "My god, I had no idea...but whatever makes you happy mate." However, your immediate family might feel differently, and they come in 2nd. I believe this because a family shares an important common thing: blood. They are YOU at a different stage of life. Your parents look at you as a future version of themselves. Finally, the most important is a soul mate: in my view, they are you. People talk about their other half because they're right. You and your wife (or husband whichever way you swing) will be living with you, thinking about the things you think about, having your kids, and the two of you become one. I honestly believe, you need all three to work hand in hand to experience true happiness.

I'm sure it's pretty obvious as to which one I'm missing but hopefully this new year will prove to be more prosperous.

Happy New Year everyone and if you're going to drink...don't get caught driving.