Ah yes, the Blog...
It has been many months since my last blog...in fact, an entire semester has gone by. A slight recap: I went to Japan and ate lots of awesome food, went to HIFF and saw lots of awesome films, I am the co-chair of YESS Camp 26 and I survived another fun filled semester (full of stress and lack of sleep).
Good times.......sort of.
Now it is the winter and I am enjoying the wonderful, chilled winter air here on the island of Maui, and I can't help but contemplate here as the year comes to an end. I have observed many things in my time in college and I'm about to finally start my last semester. I've come to realize that I'm missing one really important thing...that I won't reveal (Bohahaha~)
It is my belief, coming into the New Year, that every person needs recognition from 3 groups of people to be happy. The least important, but never missed, is friends. I only say least important because, though your friends will support you in so many ways, they aren't supposed to be that close. If you were to find out that a close friend of yours is gay, you might be, "My god, I had no idea...but whatever makes you happy mate." However, your immediate family might feel differently, and they come in 2nd. I believe this because a family shares an important common thing: blood. They are YOU at a different stage of life. Your parents look at you as a future version of themselves. Finally, the most important is a soul mate: in my view, they are you. People talk about their other half because they're right. You and your wife (or husband whichever way you swing) will be living with you, thinking about the things you think about, having your kids, and the two of you become one. I honestly believe, you need all three to work hand in hand to experience true happiness.
I'm sure it's pretty obvious as to which one I'm missing but hopefully this new year will prove to be more prosperous.
Happy New Year everyone and if you're going to drink...don't get caught driving.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
No Halloween!?!?!

It's not news that Front St. in Lahaina is the place to be for Halloween, but the Maui County Cultural Resources Commission has denied the LahainaTown Action Committee for use of Front St. to celebrate Halloween. The apparent reason for this is because this event gives Lahaina a bad name. "What do you want Lahaina to be remembered for, the host culture's importance as far as the home of the alii or royalty or for the Halloween party," said commission member Kalei Moikeha. "It just seemed like it was very disrespectful for the host culture to allow these stages to be set up in the district." (Sure, lets not disrespect the ancient Missionaries with our Pagan Rituals!!!)
Credit: Maui News
Wonderful Food!!!

On Sat. June 28, I attended the Flavors of Honolulu, not to be mistaken with the Taste of Honolulu. I had some wonderful things. There were wonderful deserts. I had some Crepes from Le Crepe Cafe, Crystal Chen (who took the picture) had this banana fosters cheesecake (Planet Hollywood) that was awesome, Mr. Lum had some bread pudding and Teramisu with Kona Coffee Anglaise (Bali By The Sea), and all were delicious. In the picture, I have a Sceared Kona Kampachi from Bali By The Sea. I thought it was awesome. Mr. Chang and Alana had a Sceared Garlic Ahi with Sweet Wasabi Sauce on some lettuce from Koi that was totori dirishosu (totally delicious). I recommend going next time around.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
So I've become a bit irate at the attention eMoble is getting over their latest commercial that they pulled off the air, because of criticism that this reflects racism. Now, I sympathize that Afro-Americans have had a tough past and every minority can relate a little in some way or another, but people are so closed minded that the people making the criticism is just as bad as racists.
To summarize, the commercial reflects the campaign of Sen. Obama and has the speaker as a monkey. Westerners around the world have quickly jumped to call Japanese people and eMoble (cell company in Japan) a bunch of racists. On the other hand, Japanese people have not seen any relation to the commercial as racism or anti-black or anti-Obama. The eMoble Masquot is a monkey and in Japanese/Shinto culture, the monkey is praised as a protector against evil and is depicted as many deities.
With a wonderful tool like the internet to provide such information as on the A to Z Photo Dictionary, people like colorfire of YouTube can say "LMAO monkeys are sacred in Japan? Ladies and gentlemen, we've got another politically correct wannabe who knows absolutely nothing" in response to someone in defense of the commercial. israelsprincess07 from YouTube says, "Japanese are such haters!"
stanrob on 2008PresidentialElection.com says, "I know we Obama supporters have enough on our plates trying to disprove Obama smears and the like domestically, but as an American living in Japan, I can't help but be deeply offended by a commercial by a cell phone company (emobile) trying to cash in at Mr. Obama's expense."
On CNN's Political Ticker, many have strong comments like Linda Esen saying, "How can they not have known this was racist????? How would they portray McCain?? No worries; when Obama is President - Japan will bow down to the dominance that is the US of A". Pat Va's reply to eMoble's president's comment of "now we know" had this to say, "This idiot needs to be fired post-haste!!! What century is he living in???" HEINRICH says, "This is really outragous.That phone company and the people behind this are totally idiots." Peter Damoah-Afari says, "How can some Japanese be so stupid?" Nicole in NE says, "DISGUSTING - in so many ways!" Naomi, Texas says, "Appauling!" Obama-Junkie, IL says, "Japanese media is notoriously racist towards people of African descent..." Don says, "And the ugly head of racism persists. Why are some human beings so stupid?" LET IT GO says, "How digusting , times haven't change at all, It 's amazon how many dummies we still have in the world." Jim from IL says, "This is an outrage! I am sure the Hillary or McCain camps have somthing to do with this. Get on board you bunch of racist!!!!! Obama will win wheather you like it or not, so start geting used to respecting him!!!!!!!"
And much much more for each of these sites and all over the blogosphere. Before everyone in this country starts getting irate about Japanese being racist, how about learning more about other people's culture...and since we're on the topic of anti-Japanese, how about we all look up Japanese Concentration Camps?
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
China and their hunger

Every now and then, I feel the strange need to read something that I don't really care much about in order to feel smarter. So I pick up an Economist magazine. Good reading; I must say I have learned much about the world. However, there has been much talk about China lately and The Economist has featured an article on China's quest for resources called "A Ravenous Dragon". In this article, I founds something interesting: China needs oil as much as soybeans...(see chart to right). I think it's interesting that they had to compare copper, oil and soybeans.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Oh Lexis....

Ah, Lexis. The dream of every Japanese male is Hawaii. My buddy Mike Chang has himself an IS250, and it's crazy sexy. But one problem I'm noticing, the IS F doesn't seem to be holding up against proper performance vehicles. Car and Driver prefers the new BMW M3 over the IS F, even though the IS has a bigger engine. Why? Because the technology is just better. Hell, the M3 has a carbon fiber roof. CARBON FIBER......yes. I reciently read on Jalopnik that the IS F was entered by Toyota in a 24h race at Nurenburg and did really bad. And both the IS and BMW have similar base prices, yet my Azn Pride still wants me to go with the IS F. Though the Servco Lexis in Honolulu won't welcome you with open arms to check it out. To get a test drive, you'll have to be approved by their finance department or something. Sexy car though.
(Pic comes from C/D Website)
Friday, April 18, 2008
Aloha, Aloha...

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Superferry under attack again...

Taylor and I went to McDonald's for breakfast this morning, and I lean over to look at the Star Bulletin and what do I see on the front page? The Superferry... Well, it turns out, that the State of Hawaii had been pressured by the Hawaii Superferry to accept them before June 30, 2005 or they wont come to Hawaii. This is all according to an audit that's supposed to be released today. It appears that the State says if they had not made the exemption, the superferry would not have come to Hawaii, and they were under a lot of pressure to make a decision before the deadline. Garibaldi, President of the Hawaii Superferry, said that they were only stating the facts which was that they had a deadline to meet. The future of transportation in Hawaii isn't looking too good. Gas prices going way high, without Aloha the plane rates are going up, and shipping costs are going up too. What are we going to do???
Check out the article at Star Bulletin.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The Electric World

Check out these pages for more information:
Maui Energy Group
Phoenix Motorcars
Popular Mechanics - Video from 2006 SEMA
Monday, April 14, 2008
First Hawaiian Bank International Auto Show
Some time last month, First Hawaiian Bank held its International Auto Show again, and it was as fun as always. Check it out! The new limited edition xB was there, the new Evo X and the STI along with the R8 and the IS F and so many other cool cars.
Save gas, the 3rd world country way.

Too Late Nissan!!! Scion already made a box!

Oh Honda, you crazy...

Sunday, April 13, 2008
Smart Fortwo Passion Coupe

Go, Pontiac! GO!!!

So continuing on with American cars trying to come back, GM's Holden devision in Australia has produced quite a beast (after the GTO). The new Pontiac G8. The GT model comes with a 361 hp, 6.0L V8 and a 6 speed hydramatic transmission. Throw on the options and the G8 GT rises to about $32,745, according to the model tested by Car and Driver. Check the article out at www.caranddriver.com.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Dodge Challenger SRT-8

For more information and pictures go to my source at CarandDriver.com. Also, if you haven't seen the new Saleen, check it out at ROADandTRACK.com.
Scion's nice try.

[picture came from autoblog.nl]
Thursday, February 28, 2008
ETEC 414: Topic & Standards
"What's Up Doc?"
Working in groups of 4, 10th Grade Students will learn how to make a documentary involving a topic that meets teacher approval, on a topic that can be researched with sources found in books or on the internet. Student will be using a DV camcorder and an Apple computer using iMovie or Final Cut Pro. Video must contain an opening sequence with a title, some narration, have at least 2 interviews, and site 1 source from print or the internet. Technically, video should make use of transitions and contain at least 2. There should be text for the title of video, titles of interviewees, and credits. Title should contain the names of everyone that appeared or spoke in the video, anyone who assisted with the production, any sources sited and any media used (pictures, music, video or any other works not made my the student). Must be about 5 minutes.
In addition to the video, there must be proper release forms to be signed by everyone that appeared in the video. Also, all media used in the video must be copyright free unless a release form is also filled out by the owner of the media. Instructure will provide forms.
A: 10th Grade Students
B: In a group of 4, make a 5 minute documentary.
C: Using a DV Cam, Apple computer, iMovie/FCP and work together as a group
D: Must have 2 interviews, 1 print or digital refrence, 2 transitions, a title, name titles of interviewees, credits, and follow copyright laws.
HCPS III Standards:
Content area: Fine Arts
Standard 1: Visual Arts: Understand and apply art materials, techniques, and processes in the creation of works of art and understand how the visual arts communicate a variety of ideas, feelings, and experiences
Benchmark FA.9-12.1.1 and FA.9-12.1.2
Content area: Language Arts
Standard 6: Oral Communication: CONVENTIONS AND SKILLS: Apply knowledge of verbal and nonverbal language to communicate effectively in various situations: interpersonal, group, and public: for a variety of purposes
Benchmark LA.10.6.1, LA.10.6.2, LA.10.6.5
Standard 7: Oral Communication: RHETORIC: Adapt messages appropriately to address audience, purpose, and situation
Benchmark LA.10.7.1, LA.10.7.2, LA.10.7.3
Technology Foundation Standards for Students
1) Basic operations and concepts
2) Social, ethical, and human issues
4) Technology communications tools
5) Technology research tools
Working in groups of 4, 10th Grade Students will learn how to make a documentary involving a topic that meets teacher approval, on a topic that can be researched with sources found in books or on the internet. Student will be using a DV camcorder and an Apple computer using iMovie or Final Cut Pro. Video must contain an opening sequence with a title, some narration, have at least 2 interviews, and site 1 source from print or the internet. Technically, video should make use of transitions and contain at least 2. There should be text for the title of video, titles of interviewees, and credits. Title should contain the names of everyone that appeared or spoke in the video, anyone who assisted with the production, any sources sited and any media used (pictures, music, video or any other works not made my the student). Must be about 5 minutes.
In addition to the video, there must be proper release forms to be signed by everyone that appeared in the video. Also, all media used in the video must be copyright free unless a release form is also filled out by the owner of the media. Instructure will provide forms.
A: 10th Grade Students
B: In a group of 4, make a 5 minute documentary.
C: Using a DV Cam, Apple computer, iMovie/FCP and work together as a group
D: Must have 2 interviews, 1 print or digital refrence, 2 transitions, a title, name titles of interviewees, credits, and follow copyright laws.
HCPS III Standards:
Content area: Fine Arts
Standard 1: Visual Arts: Understand and apply art materials, techniques, and processes in the creation of works of art and understand how the visual arts communicate a variety of ideas, feelings, and experiences
Benchmark FA.9-12.1.1 and FA.9-12.1.2
Content area: Language Arts
Standard 6: Oral Communication: CONVENTIONS AND SKILLS: Apply knowledge of verbal and nonverbal language to communicate effectively in various situations: interpersonal, group, and public: for a variety of purposes
Benchmark LA.10.6.1, LA.10.6.2, LA.10.6.5
Standard 7: Oral Communication: RHETORIC: Adapt messages appropriately to address audience, purpose, and situation
Benchmark LA.10.7.1, LA.10.7.2, LA.10.7.3
Technology Foundation Standards for Students
1) Basic operations and concepts
- Students demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems.
- Students are proficient in the use of technology.
2) Social, ethical, and human issues
- Students understand the ethical, cultural, and societal issues related to technology.
- Students practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software.
- Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity.
4) Technology communications tools
- Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.
5) Technology research tools
- Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
- Students use technology tools to process data and report results.
- Students evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on the appropriateness for specific tasks.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
ZR1 Awesomeness

Hey all you Auto Junkies out there, everyone needs to check out the new Chevy Corvette ZR1. Let me tell you, I'm not much of a Corvette fan, but these numbers really put me in a good place. This car, which is to be sold in the US Summer 2008, is expected to push out 620 HP off a 6.2L V8 with a Super Charger. This car is expected to be up there, performance wise, with Porsche Ferrari and Lamborghini. This car even uses the same Brembo breaks as the Ferrari Enzo andFXX. This car is going to cost you though, it plans to run about $100,000. For more information on the "Blue Devil" visit Motor Trend.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
ETEC 414: Teaching Video Production
As for this assignment (Blog Post #4), I'm looking for a website or blog that focuses on my field of teaching that I am interested in. For those who haven't read my previous blog, I'm interested in teaching video production; preferably at a high school level, but it's not necessary.
Fortunately for me, I didn't have to go looking at all. Mathew posted a comment on my last ETEC post asking me to check out videointheclassroom.com and it is pretty awesome. The site focuses on teaching video production for elementary school students, and has very interesting information. It ranges from promoting the use of video in the classroom, showing student works, and even technology and film tips. Cool stuff guys, go check it out!
Fortunately for me, I didn't have to go looking at all. Mathew posted a comment on my last ETEC post asking me to check out videointheclassroom.com and it is pretty awesome. The site focuses on teaching video production for elementary school students, and has very interesting information. It ranges from promoting the use of video in the classroom, showing student works, and even technology and film tips. Cool stuff guys, go check it out!
Monday, February 18, 2008
ACM makes a move!
Well, looks like the future of my major is up in the air; or I'll be moving to West Oahu.
I guess the senate voted on moving ACM to West Oahu because of ACM not having a home or major. It was taking up space at PBS and the state didn't want to fund the program unless it finally got a real place to call home.
Check out the Ka Leo article yourself, I make a comment to close the article.
I guess the senate voted on moving ACM to West Oahu because of ACM not having a home or major. It was taking up space at PBS and the state didn't want to fund the program unless it finally got a real place to call home.
Check out the Ka Leo article yourself, I make a comment to close the article.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
ETEC 414 - My Kingdom for a Comment!~
This is King Toyama III here, (I'm taking a Shakespeare class, just read Richard III)
So I visited 3 of my favorite blogs (Lifehacker, Kotaku, and Jalopnik) and read the comments that are posted. By the way, technology, games, cars, and things Japanese are my favorite interests so that makes my 3 blogs. Comments on these sites appear to be pretty candid. They mention anything from how they liked the subject, complaints or discrepancies on things mentioned, and even questions about their own situation. Some blogs pose questions that some comments answer. It seems like a comment could be anything you feel like posting.
As far as a purpose, I assume that because blogs are postings by a person, most people would like the option to hear others inputs. Otherwise, it's just a journal or a standard website that people could post articles and people would read them or not. This way, you would know what people who read your blog are interested in and what they like or not.
I went on and posted a comment on a blog myself. A very hansome man named Mike Lum in ETEC 414 section 1 made a blog called The Wonderful World Of Lum: My friend's blog. Go and check it out!!!~
So I visited 3 of my favorite blogs (Lifehacker, Kotaku, and Jalopnik) and read the comments that are posted. By the way, technology, games, cars, and things Japanese are my favorite interests so that makes my 3 blogs. Comments on these sites appear to be pretty candid. They mention anything from how they liked the subject, complaints or discrepancies on things mentioned, and even questions about their own situation. Some blogs pose questions that some comments answer. It seems like a comment could be anything you feel like posting.
As far as a purpose, I assume that because blogs are postings by a person, most people would like the option to hear others inputs. Otherwise, it's just a journal or a standard website that people could post articles and people would read them or not. This way, you would know what people who read your blog are interested in and what they like or not.
I went on and posted a comment on a blog myself. A very hansome man named Mike Lum in ETEC 414 section 1 made a blog called The Wonderful World Of Lum: My friend's blog. Go and check it out!!!~
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Lost...but Never Forgotten

I returned to Maui this weekend, to attend the funeral of my friend Eric Rynearson. For me, this is a terrible loss, that is actually quite hard for me to get over. I've never lost a friend before. As you get old, death is almost like an expected thing; but a friend who is young, smart, brave and everything you expect from a good man, it's difficult.
On the weekend of Jan. 19, he was coming up to Oahu and we were going to go out clubbing and have lots of fun. I had talked to him a few hours before the accident making plans on what we might be interested in doing. The next day, when I got the phone call of his death, I actually didn't believe it. If it wasn't for the fact that my friend on the other line was crying, I would have laughed. "Haha, good one Paiva."
At that time, I was keeping myself busy. I had work and school so it was easy to keep my mind off the issue. As people heard about it, they would say "sorry for your loss" and I would just say "yeah" or something because I really didn't want to think about it. I saw his picture in the news, and I just started crying. If all it takes is a picture of that cheezy smile of his to make me start crying then I wouldn't want to talk about it at all.
Now, after his funeral, I'm beginning to realize that though he may be dead, he'll always be with me in my heart. As unexpected as it is, it happens and all we can do is be glad that we were fortunate enough to have known this man.
Eric Rynearson
Staff Sergeant
8/12/85 - 1/19/08
Friday, February 1, 2008
ETEC 414: The Teachers Blog
As the assignment for ETEC 414, I'm looking for a blog that involves teaching video production; preferably at a high school level.
Unfortunately, I couldn't really find one that only related to teaching video production. I found teaching blogs at have postings on video production.
Here are a few examples:
Educational CyberPlayground
Students 2.0
Technology Blog
Creating Lifelong Learners
On another hand, there is a very wide source of Web Sites over Blogs on the subject of teaching video production.
Media Production Homepage
The Basic How-To Course In Video Production
Kids' Vid
Video Production 101
And I even found a textbook on the subject.
Teaching Digital Video Production
I did find Video Production Blogs that might be teaching related...
Video University Forums
Pro Video Production Blog [my favorite]
This can be useful for my future teaching career because it lets me see how other teachers are teaching the same subject as myself. See techniques that he used, and projects that he did. Also keep up on new technology involving this field of study. I personally like the last one the best. He's a teacher, and does video production things, and his blog has a lot of new video production related information. This helps keep me up to date on information and technology that could be helpful to teaching.
Well, that's my adventures. I'm not sure if this really qualifies as a paragraph in length [for grading] but I'm not sure what else to mention.
Thanks a bunch for reading!~
Unfortunately, I couldn't really find one that only related to teaching video production. I found teaching blogs at have postings on video production.
Here are a few examples:
Educational CyberPlayground
Students 2.0
Technology Blog
Creating Lifelong Learners
On another hand, there is a very wide source of Web Sites over Blogs on the subject of teaching video production.
Media Production Homepage
The Basic How-To Course In Video Production
Kids' Vid
Video Production 101
And I even found a textbook on the subject.
Teaching Digital Video Production
I did find Video Production Blogs that might be teaching related...
Video University Forums
Pro Video Production Blog [my favorite]
This can be useful for my future teaching career because it lets me see how other teachers are teaching the same subject as myself. See techniques that he used, and projects that he did. Also keep up on new technology involving this field of study. I personally like the last one the best. He's a teacher, and does video production things, and his blog has a lot of new video production related information. This helps keep me up to date on information and technology that could be helpful to teaching.
Well, that's my adventures. I'm not sure if this really qualifies as a paragraph in length [for grading] but I'm not sure what else to mention.
Thanks a bunch for reading!~
Thursday, January 31, 2008

I'm sitting in my English class when the guy sitting next to me pulls out the smallest laptop I've ever seen. It was half the size of our text book, and was running linux. The curious bastard that I am had to lean over and take a look at his computer. Reading "ASUS" on the front, I decided to do a little research.
The ASUS Eee PC! Weighing in at about 2lbs. This little machine has a 7 inch monitor, running a Linux operating system, 512mb of RAM, and has a Solid-State flash hard disk. The 4G model has a 4gb drive. And, the 4G model costs a blaring $399 and comes in white and black.
A magazine called Ultimate Mobility (pictured above) has labeled this computer their #1 Budget Laptop. On sites like C|Net, they would say this is a good second laptop for travelers, as it has a full 802.11 b/g wireless card and has a built in mic and camera. Also comes preloaded with software like Firefox and Skype. It can also be a good first laptop for children.
For more information, take a look at the Eee PC website or take a gander at Wikipedia...or many of the other tech websites that have reviewed this product.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Introduction to Copyright
Copyright is a tough issue in the modern age. This Blog is actually created as a result to my ETEC 414 class at UHM. For more information to Copyrights, check out this website on How Stuff Works.
Who I am
YO YO YO!~ All you happy people out there in the blogosphere! My name is Wayde and I am a student at the University of Hawaii @ Manoa. I am a film production major at the Academy for Creative Media. That means this will be a video blog...cause I make great videos.....I think.
Some of my many interests are Playing Video Games, Watching TV and Movies, and Driving.
I only really use the internet for work related things so Google.com is a main point. Other than that, MySpace.com, Facebook.com are common places I go to.
Some of my many interests are Playing Video Games, Watching TV and Movies, and Driving.
I only really use the internet for work related things so Google.com is a main point. Other than that, MySpace.com, Facebook.com are common places I go to.
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