Wednesday, July 2, 2008


So I've become a bit irate at the attention eMoble is getting over their latest commercial that they pulled off the air, because of criticism that this reflects racism. Now, I sympathize that Afro-Americans have had a tough past and every minority can relate a little in some way or another, but people are so closed minded that the people making the criticism is just as bad as racists.

To summarize, the commercial reflects the campaign of Sen. Obama and has the speaker as a monkey. Westerners around the world have quickly jumped to call Japanese people and eMoble (cell company in Japan) a bunch of racists. On the other hand, Japanese people have not seen any relation to the commercial as racism or anti-black or anti-Obama. The eMoble Masquot is a monkey and in Japanese/Shinto culture, the monkey is praised as a protector against evil and is depicted as many deities.

With a wonderful tool like the internet to provide such information as on the A to Z Photo Dictionary, people like colorfire of YouTube can say "LMAO monkeys are sacred in Japan? Ladies and gentlemen, we've got another politically correct wannabe who knows absolutely nothing" in response to someone in defense of the commercial. israelsprincess07 from YouTube says, "Japanese are such haters!"

stanrob on says, "I know we Obama supporters have enough on our plates trying to disprove Obama smears and the like domestically, but as an American living in Japan, I can't help but be deeply offended by a commercial by a cell phone company (emobile) trying to cash in at Mr. Obama's expense."

On CNN's Political Ticker, many have strong comments like Linda Esen saying, "How can they not have known this was racist????? How would they portray McCain?? No worries; when Obama is President - Japan will bow down to the dominance that is the US of A". Pat Va's reply to eMoble's president's comment of "now we know" had this to say, "This idiot needs to be fired post-haste!!! What century is he living in???" HEINRICH says, "This is really outragous.That phone company and the people behind this are totally idiots." Peter Damoah-Afari says, "How can some Japanese be so stupid?" Nicole in NE says, "DISGUSTING - in so many ways!" Naomi, Texas says, "Appauling!" Obama-Junkie, IL says, "Japanese media is notoriously racist towards people of African descent..." Don says, "And the ugly head of racism persists. Why are some human beings so stupid?" LET IT GO says, "How digusting , times haven't change at all, It 's amazon how many dummies we still have in the world." Jim from IL says, "This is an outrage! I am sure the Hillary or McCain camps have somthing to do with this. Get on board you bunch of racist!!!!! Obama will win wheather you like it or not, so start geting used to respecting him!!!!!!!"

And much much more for each of these sites and all over the blogosphere. Before everyone in this country starts getting irate about Japanese being racist, how about learning more about other people's culture...and since we're on the topic of anti-Japanese, how about we all look up Japanese Concentration Camps?

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