I'm sitting in my English class when the guy sitting next to me pulls out the smallest laptop I've ever seen. It was half the size of our text book, and was running linux. The curious bastard that I am had to lean over and take a look at his computer. Reading "ASUS" on the front, I decided to do a little research.
The ASUS Eee PC! Weighing in at about 2lbs. This little machine has a 7 inch monitor, running a Linux operating system, 512mb of RAM, and has a Solid-State flash hard disk. The 4G model has a 4gb drive. And, the 4G model costs a blaring $399 and comes in white and black.
A magazine called Ultimate Mobility (pictured above) has labeled this computer their #1 Budget Laptop. On sites like C|Net, they would say this is a good second laptop for travelers, as it has a full 802.11 b/g wireless card and has a built in mic and camera. Also comes preloaded with software like Firefox and Skype. It can also be a good first laptop for children.
For more information, take a look at the Eee PC website or take a gander at Wikipedia...or many of the other tech websites that have reviewed this product.
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