The other day, I had the opportunity to drive a Ford Escape Hybrid...and I hate to say, "I Loved It!" Unlike the Prius, it doesn't feel hybridy. I don't hear a loud roar of a small engine waking up because the electric can't pull it's weight, and it doesn't kick in every time I try to accelerate. I was driving to the Costco in downtown Honolulu, pulled off the freeway steped on the break to slow for traffic and the engine had cut. From that moment on, the engine didn't even turn on once. I drove from the freeway exit to the Costco entirely on electricity...ironically driving past a long line for Costco Gas. The engine is so quiet that you can hardly tell when it turns on unless you're at a stop (Engine needs to run for AC to work) or really tring to give it some gas (pun intended). It was a lot of fun.
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